1 Minute Protein Brownie Recipe

May 30, 2020 0 Comments

1 Minute Protein Brownie Recipe

Your sweet tooth is actively trying to sabotage your gains.  What are you to do? 

Well, we're here to help.  One of our new "favorite" snacks.  The 1 minute Protein Brownie. Fast, easy and ready in just a few minutes.  You will spend the most time just collecting the ingredients. 

This recipe is nice because you can substitute some of the ingredients with "your choice". That makes it so much better incase you don't have exactly what we are using. It will change the Nutritional breakdown a bit, so please remember that.

So, what are we waiting for, are you ready? Let's do this!

  • 1 Scoop of Chocolate Protein Pdr. (35g) (of your choice)
  • 1 T. / 7g. Coconut Flour
  • 1 T. / 12g. Granulated sweetener (of your choice) we used MonkFruit
  • 1/2 t. / 3g. Baking Pdr.
  • 2 T. / 15g. Cocoa Pdr.
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 c. / 85g. Milk (of your choice)
  • 1 T. / 10g. Dark Chocolate Chips (of your choice)

What you can do first is, put a little bit of oil in a microwaveable safe bowl and rub it all over and up the sides. Set this aside.

Next in a mixing bowl, place all of the dry ingredients and with a whisk, spoon or fork, blend it all together.


Now you can add the egg and milk.  Whip these in with the dry ingredients until it's combined and smooth. Time to drop in the chocolate chips and fold them in.


That was fast.  Now it's time to pour this into your oiled bowl and place it in your microwave.  On high for 1 minute.

and one minute later....

NOTE: Some microwaves have higher power than others. If one minute was not enough, try another 15 seconds up to 30 seconds more. It may turn out more like cake so be careful. 

It looks like it may not be done in the middle, but that is the melted chocolate chips.  Cutting it in half and placing half in another bowl for someone else, you can use the melted chocolate chips like a glaze frosting on top.

Serve it up with some fresh fruit or your favorite low calorie/sugar ice cream or a big glass of ice cold milk.

Hope you enjoy!

We get two servings out of this recipe.  You are welcome to eat the whole thing but remember you will need to double this breakdown if you do.

One serving contains,

Calories                     171

Fat                             5.5g

Carbs.                        17g

Sugar                         7.5g

Protein                      20.5g




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